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Leqhoa la likhalase tsa silicone ka Zhihe bakeng sa ho thibela ho thella litempeleng

Khoele ea likhalase tsa silicone ea Zhihe e etselitsoe ho fana ka botsitso bo eketsehileng le ho thibela ho thella litempeleng tsa likhalase. Leqhoele lena le entsoe ka silicone e bonolo, e tšoarellang nako e telele, 'me le phuthela hantle hloohong ea motho ea le roalang, le tiisa likhalase hore li lule li le teng le ha motho a sisinyeha ka matla. Mehaho ea eona e thibelang ho thella e etsa hore e be khetho e ntle bakeng sa batho ba chesehelang lipapali, batho ba mafolofolo, kapa mang kapa mang ea batlang mokhoa o tšepahalang oa ho beha likhalase tsa bona. Ho bonolo ho e lokisa ebile e loketse liforeimi tse fapaneng, thapo ea likhalase tsa silicone ea Zhihe e fana ka ts'ebetso le boiketlo.

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    Leqhoa la likhalase tsa silicone


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    Nomoro ea Ntho




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